Dear Parents/Guardians,
Last Thursday, August 6th, the Stoneham School Committee voted in favor of a plan which allows parents/guardians to choose between a Hybrid model and a Full Remote model to start the school year. The Hybrid model will allow students to attend in person classes part of the week while participating in remote classes the remainder of the week. Full Remote by Choice educates students in a virtual model using synchronous and asynchronous learning.
We recognize these are not easy decisions for parents/guardians to make. Please be assured that regardless of which choice you make, we will continue to provide an outstanding educational program to your children. We acknowledge that now more than ever our community must face these challenges with respect for each other and a commitment to working collaboratively. As we do with all our efforts, the Stoneham Public Schools has kept equity at the center of our school reopening plan.
As we anticipate our return to school this fall, we will face major challenges that include healing the wounds inflicted by both physical and emotional pains. We renew our commitment to bridging change through knowledge, critical thinking, and empathy. This includes elevating unheard stories, changing our pedagogical approaches, and empowering students when faced with our hard histories to act as agents of change.
We recognize that prioritizing the social, emotional, and physical wellness of students, families, and staff is the only way to adequately address equity and ensure health and safety. In our planning, we have continually evaluated impact on our English language learners, and students with disabilities, to ensure we are providing all students what they need to succeed.
As always, we have important work to accomplish this year. We must create safe environments both in and out of the school building that engage our students in learning and critical thinking. Academic learning must be paired with instruction supporting the social-emotional development of students and a direct approach to teaching our students about the impact of systemic racism. We recognize the importance of having parents/guardians as our partners in this work.
We know that many of you completed a survey recently regarding your preference for a learning option for your child for the coming year. Now that we have School Committee approval of our Return to School Plan we are asking you to complete a form selecting your final choice for your child for the 20/21 School Year. The link to this form is below. Please fill out one form for each child that attends the Stoneham Public Schools. The deadline for completing the selection form will be Monday, August 17, 2020.
I thank you for your continued partnership as we embark on a successful school year that promotes learning, relationships, and success for all students.
John Macero
Superintendent of Schools, Stoneham Public Schools
SPS PK-12 Return to School Choice (August 10, 2020)
SPS PK-12 Elección de Regreso a la Escuela (10 de agosto de 2020)
SPS PK-12 Escolha de Retorno à Escola (10 de agosto de 2020)
SPS PK-12 返回学校选择(2020年8月10日)