Welcome to Colonial Park School!
Colonial Park School in Stoneham, MA is a preschool through grade 4 school. Our 280 students are served by 65 dedicated staff members in a beautiful facility, built in 2003.
School Hours
For students in kindergarten – grade 4 the school day is from 8:30AM-2:40PM. There is adult supervision beginning at 8:15AM each day. Students arriving after 8:30AM will be marked tardy. On early release days students are dismissed at 12:00 PM.
Absences and Dismissals
If your child will be absent or tardy please call the school office at 781-279-3890 prior to 8:30 AM. You can also leave a message at any time for Ms. Faughnan, our school secretary at 781-279-3890 x199. Please give your child’s name, classroom teacher, and the reason for the absence.
If you need to dismiss your child before 2:40 PM please send in a note with your child on the day you plan to dismiss him or her. State the reason for the dismissal and the time of dismissal. When you arrive, please report to the office to sign out your child. Children may be dismissed early for the following reasons: personal illness, death in the family, approved religious holiday, emergency medical and dental treatment, reasons approved by the principal.
School Lunches
A variety of school lunch choices are served each day. Students can also purchase just milk. The lunch schedule is posted each month for your convenience on the district page. If you wish to load funds into your child’s lunch money account you can send in cash or check on Fridays. School Lunch: $3.00. Milk only: $.50. Further information about school lunch is located on the district page.
Lost and Found
The lost and found is located in the school lobby.
Special Services
Colonial Park School takes pride in offering quality services to students who qualify for Special Education Services, 504 Accommodation Plans and English Language Learner Services. For more information about special services at Colonial Park School please contact the following staff members:
- SPED: Debra Dimarco, School Psychologist, ddimarco@stonehamschools.org
- 504s: Brian Schmitt, Assistant Principal, bschmitt@stonehamschools.org
- ELL: Stephanie Mihos, ELL Coordinator, smihos@stonehamschools.org