
A student must pass six subjects to be eligible to participate in sports at Stoneham High School. Please read below for further clarification. 

November: This report card determines eligibility until the next report is issued (approximately November 15 - February 1). 

February: Second quarter grades (not semester grades) determine eligibility until next report card is issued (approximately February 1-April 10) . 

April: Determines eligibility until next report card (June 30).

June 30: Final grades and credits (not fourth quarter grades) determine fall eligibility (August to November 2013). A student must pass a total of six major subjects for the year (30 credits of major subjects) to be eligible for the fall quarter 2013. For all subsequent seasons, students must pass six subjects. The academic eligibility of all students shall be considered as official and determined only on the date when the report cards for that ranking period have been issued to the parents of all students. Incomplete grades may not be counted toward eligibility. A student who repeats work upon which he/she has once received credit cannot count that subject a second time for eligibility. A student cannot count for eligibility any subject taken during the summer vacation, unless that subject has previously been pursued and failed.