Have a great summer
June 17, 2021
I want to wish all students and their households a wonderful summer. It is a summer that, above all summers, is certainly most deserved and absolutely, most needed. Rest up, relax and enjoy the time with friends and family.
I thank our students for their hard work and efforts and their amazing abilities and resilience to navigate a year of unknowns, challenges and at times disappointment. They stepped up to the challenge and made their success as well as helped us provide the educational experience and opportunities of the past year. I hope they realize what they are capable of and that they have the ability within to overcome any obstacle, challenge or disappointment.
To the parents and guardians I thank you for your continued support and involvement with SHS. Your support and understanding of the task at hand made for a unified approach to best support our students and offer an optimum educational experience. It really does take a village!
I also want to acknowledge and thank our SHS Faculty for their efforts and commitment to SHS and most importantly, our students. The faculty never accepted less and always looked to add or improve situations so that students would succeed and have the best learning and school experience possible. These efforts resulted in the addition of new activities to our school such as Stress-Less Day and 8th Grade Step Up Day as well as a 100% graduation rate for the Class of 2021.
Despite all the challenges of the past year and the perception that so much was lost, I say it was a great year. It was a great year because of what I shared above, a great year based on the actions of all involved to make 2020-2021 the best year possible. I think we did just that; great job everyone!
Have a fantastic summer and see you in September!
Mr. Lombardi
SHS FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/Stoneham-High-School-113064453732609 SHS Web Page: https://www.stonehamschools.org/schools/stoneham-high-school/index Full Day / Five day Schedule |
Mark Your Calendar
June 18: All SPS closed / Juneteenth September 1: 1st Day of 2021-2022 School Year |
Summer emails / Read School Email!
Read School Email: Student academic schedules are still the process of being developed. At times some schedules decisions require a check in with a student. If we need to contact you we will utilize the provided home phone number in PowerSchool as well as student school email. School email will also be used for any shared school business information. |
SHS Art on Display / Stoneham Public Library
You are invited to visit the Stoneham Public Library to view a SHS Art Project. The Art Project, Democracy Requires Many Hands, is sponsored by Stoneham for Social Justice and the Stoneham Public Library. The project asked students to explore what democracy means to them both language and forms. The result is twenty one hands created in plaster from molds of twenty one students. Each hand expresses the individuality of each student. Together, the hands communicate students’ message: “ Democracy- a voice for all; Democracy- includes us all and Democracy-needs us all.” The project is on display at the Stoneham Public Library through the month of July. |
Keep Reading
Summer Reading at the Stoneham Public Library ● This summer at the Stoneham Public Library, kids ages 2+ can collect beads by reading books, doing fun activities, and attending library programs. ○ Weather permitting, all programs will be held outside. ○ Go to our calendar for a full list of events and to sign up for updates. ● Teens 12-18 get a scratch ticket for every item they check out for a chance to win a small prize or be entered into the raffle of their choice for gift cards to Boda Borg, Richardson's, Canobie Lake, or The Book Oasis. ● To celebrate the start of Summer Reading 2021: ○ Tails and Tales, the Stoneham Public Library will be having a Pet Parade on Wednesday, June 23rd at 3:30 pm. ■ Families are encouraged to bring their furry, scaly, or feathered friends to strut their stuff around the block! ■ We'll start in the library parking lot, walk down to the corner and around the other side of the library, and end on the library lawn for a sing-along. ■ A photobooth will be available for families that would like to take a picture with their pet! ■ If you would like a picture taken by staff, please sign up! |
Dear Caregiver: The Stoneham Public School District works with The Department of Transitional Assistance and the Department of Education to ensure that eligible households will receive P-EBT benefits. P-EBT is a federal program that provides food support to help families with children who are receiving free and reduced-price school meals. Some families may not have applied for free or reduced lunch benefits during the pandemic, since ALL school meals were designated free by the federal government. As a result, your family may be eligible for the P-EBT benefit as described above but you may not realize you qualify. If you did not apply for the free/reduced meal benefit this year, you are encouraged to do so in case you may be eligible for the P-EBT benefits. In many cases, these benefits may be retroactive by several months. If you would like to apply for such benefits, you may download the application here. Please visit the P-EBT information webpage for more information about how P-EBT benefits work. In addition, you may also click this link to access information about SNAP benefits (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program). If you need any guidance or have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly: dljungberg@stonehamschools.org or 781-279-3802 extension 1311. |