Course Selections: 2022 - 2023
Nothing like a blizzard to close out January and remind you of the joys of Winter and living in New England! I hope you hunkered down warmly and safely yesterday and are all shoveled out.
With Winter Vacation only three weeks away we begin the second half of the school year with the start of the second semester and third quarter. It is a great time for students to review their performance to date. Students should reflect on their academic progress and make needed adjustments for any academic needs and support. Students should speak with classroom teachers and utilize flex block opportunities to support learning and academic success within their classes.
We also enter our first week of February with the beginning of the 2022 - 2023 course selection process. Starting this week School Counselors will meet with students to review the process and important activities and dates to support their selections. The Program of Studies is provided below for students and parents /guardians to review.
Have a great week!
We kindly ask that you utilize the following links as first resources to find the information you are seeking prior to contacting the Main Office. Daily Bulletin · New · Old SHS Web Page: FaceBook: |
Save the Date
Monday, 2/7 - Wednesday, 2/15; Teacher Course Recommendation Period Monday, 2/21 - Friday, 2/25; School Closed / Winter Vacation |
2022 - 2023 Course Registration Process / Program of Studies
The process for course selection for the 2022-2023 school year will begin this week with School Counselors meeting with students during the FLEX block to discuss the process and next steps. Students will be pre scheduled for their appropriate grade meetings. School Counselors will meet with students by grade during FLEX Block on the following days: · Tuesday 2/1 - Grade 11 · Thursday 2/3 - Grade 10 · Friday 2/4 - Grade 9 Here is the 2022 - 2023 Program of Studies. Students and parents / guardians should review this Program of Studies to best plan and prepare for course selection. Students should select courses based on graduation requirements, post secondary plans and rigor and interest and passion. Students should speak with their School Counselors, teachers and parents / guardians to help select courses and an educational plan best suited to their learning needs, interests and future planning. |
Counselor’s Corner
JUNIOR PARENT INFORMATION NIGHT · The Guidance Department will present an information session for junior parents on Thursday, February 10 at 6:30 p.m. at the high school. An overview of the post-secondary planning process will be outlined, with emphasis on the college search and application process. ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) · SHS will be hosting the ASVAB on Friday, March 4th at 8:15 a.m. · Please sign up in the Guidance office by February 15th. · If you have any questions, please see your counselor. Interested in the medical field? · Lahey Hospital and Medical Center is offering a summer program in Medical Research. o Selected students will receive a Certificate in Medical Research as well as a monetary stipend. o There is a 20-30 hour/week commitment from June 27 - August 19. o Interested high school students are encouraged to apply. o The application (along with the parent consent form for minors) is due by February 11, 2022. § Parent / Guardian Consent HERE Attention Seniors · Honey Dew Donuts will be offering one scholarship to a deserving college bound student of the Class of 2022. o Preference for this scholarship will be for any student who is employed at Honey Dew Donuts. o If you are a member of the Class of 2022 and currently working at Honey Dew Donuts, please see your school counselor ASAP All Parents · MEFA ( Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority) is offering a variety of upcoming webinars related to college planning and financing. More information and registration here: SAT / PSAT Information · SAT test dates at SHS o March 12, 2022 § Registration deadline February 11, 2022 o June 4, 2022 § Registration deadline: May 5, 2022 |
iDecide (Drug Education Curriculum: Intervention, Diversion, and Empowerment) Program
On January 6, 2022, an email was set to all SHS households with the following message: In our efforts to provide students educational opportunities when situations arise when violations of our Substance and Chemical Health Policies are violated we have partnered with Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Specifically we have been accepted into their iDecide (Drug Education Curriculum: Intervention, Diversion, and Empowerment) Program. We, as well as over 100 schools across the state, are seeking to initiate this vital program as soon as possible. This program will allow us to provide educational interventions and discipline alternatives when our Substance and Chemical Health Policies are violated. Please go HERE for further information regarding this exciting opportunity to benefit our students as well as opt information if you wish to not have your student participate in the research component of this program. Involvement in this program requires two different forms of communication to households informing of opt out options for families. The first form of communication was the January 6 email and the second form will be a mailed letter that you may have already received this weekend or will do so over the next day or so. |
Interact Club / Children’s Book Drive
National Honor Society / Application Process
Recently, some decisions have been made about the practices of the National Honor Society and what is in the best interest of our students. This includes how and when student GPAs are calculated in order to qualify for the 4.1 GPA requirement. We have shifted the timeline of when this calculation occurs to after the first semester of Junior and Senior year. We believe this will provide a more accurate report of the current GPA, taking into consideration the rigorous schedule in which many students are currently enrolled. The goal of this shift creates an equitable process for our students that allows us to best acknowledge their achievements. After students are identified based upon the 4.1 GPA requirement they will receive an electronic letter inviting them to start the process of joining the National Honor Society. Students will then complete the application process which is based upon how they have met the criteria for the four pillars identified by the constitution of the National Honor Society. These four pillars are scholarship, leadership, service, and character. The application will ask students to provide evidence of these pillars in their daily life as well as a written personal statement addressing how they embody these four pillars. |
Spartan Enrichment Organization (SEO) / January Newsletter
Students: Winter Work Opportunities
SNOW SHOVELERS NEEDED · Stoneham DPW o 16 Pine Street · $15 per hour o Apply in person o Must be 16 years of age or older |
Parent / Guardian Support
Stoneham Coalition for A Safe and Healthy Coalition: Join us for this year's Parent University, a fun, half day event for parents with students of any age that provides knowledge and advice from community experts through a series of free workshops focusing on student's educational experience and well-being More information on the Parent University can be found here: |