Spring is Here
March 20, 2022
Good evening,
I hope the weekend has been good to you and that you are feeling positive and ready for the week ahead.
Please note the schedule change, posted below, for Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. As we enter this third week of March we facilitate the ELA MCAS for our Grade 10 students, Spring sports begin, the Spring musical continues with rehearsals and we close in on the end of the 3rd grading quarter in two weeks on Friday, April 1.
The next two weeks offer six FLEX blocks for students to make arrangements to meet with their teachers for any needed academic support, missed assignments and / or assessments. Students are encouraged to check their PS portal, speak with their teachers and make meaningful use of FLEX to ensure positive academic outcome for the quarter.
There are many fun and exciting activities and events to come between now, graduation and the end of the school year. There are also academic demands. To best manage academics and the many extracurricular and social aspects of school, it is highly recommended that students establish weekly / bi-weekly routines with their teachers through FLEX block to help manage and support their school work for optimum learning and academic success.
We are here to support you!
Have a great week.
We kindly ask that you utilize the following links as first resources to find the information you are seeking prior to contacting the Main Office. Daily Bulletin New Old Updated 2021-2022 SHS School Year Calendar HERE SHS Web Page: https://www.stonehamschools.org/schools/stoneham-high-school/index FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/shs.principal.184 |
Save the Date
Monday, 3/21: First day of Spring Athletics Season Tuesday, 3/22 & Wednesday, 3/23: Grade 10 ELA MCAS Testing ● Grade 10 MCAS 8:15 - 10:30 / Classes 10:41AM - 2:50PM ● Grade 9 full day schedule 8:15AM - 2:50PM ● Late start grades 11 & 12; 10:41AM - 2:50PM |
Reminder: Tuesday, 3/22 & Wednesday 3/24 Academic Schedule
Grade 9 ● Report to school for regular school hours, day 1; 8:15am - 2:16pm Grade 10 ● Report to school for regular school hours and MCAS testing ○ Further information below Grades 11 and 12 ● Late start; 10:41 - 2:16 ○ Periods C & D (Tuesday) ○ Periods F & G (Wednesday |
Grade 10 ELA MCAS / March 22 & 23
Students should report directly to their testing room as testing will begin promptly at 8:15 am. Testing room assignments will be posted in the front lobby on Monday at lunchtime. Attached are additional instructions for grade 10 students. |
School Attendance
Consistent and regular daily school attendance is the best indicator for learning and academic growth and success. This includes tardiness to school. Students are expected to be in their classrooms for the start of their first class at 8:15am. Please plan your morning routines to ensure arrival at school that allows you to be in class for 8:15am. Students should report to their scheduled class at the first bell at 8:10AM Students arriving late to class disrupts the learning process for themselves and their classmates. Excessive tardiness, as defined in our Student Handbook will result in disciplinary action. |
Counselor’s Corner
NAMI (National Alliance of Mental Illness) Central Middlesex will be presenting its annual college panel discussion, "Starting the Conversation: College and Your Mental Health" ● March 21, 7:00-8:30 p.m. ● Free Webinar ○ Students and parents are invited to attend. ● March 21, 7:00-8:30 p.m. ● Pre-registration is required ○ See flier for details Topics include privacy laws, what colleges can communicate, differing supports at different colleges, and insights from a current college student. Pre-College Summer Programs Many colleges and universities offer pre-college summer experiences for students who are interested in career exploration and academic enrichment. Please see the Guidance page of the high school website for more information: All Parents ● MEFA ( Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority) is offering a variety of upcoming webinars related to college planning and financing. More information and registration here: SAT / PSAT Information ● SAT test dates at SHS ○ June 4, 2022 ■ Registration deadline: May 5, 2022 |
Senior Prom
SHS has partnered with K&G for all your prom needs! ● Check out the links below to receive a discount off your entire purchase! ○ https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:f37f4435-4c10-36c4-883c-6c0e7e121db3 ○ https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:7168c36a-05c7-3db2-9da6-8530a292d6fb |
Carnival Ball 2022
Carnival Ball performances will be on April 29th and 30th. The theme of Carnival Ball 2022 is “On the Red Carpet.” Classes will perform skits related to Grammy Awards, Tony Awards, Academy Awards, or any other Hollywood related events. The April 29th show will be held for students only during FLEX block. The April 30th show will be for students, families, friends, and community members; the show will start promptly at 6:30PM. Carnival Ball will be structured differently this year. Classes will compete against each other to see who is the champion of Carnival Ball. Skits will be judged by a teacher panel based on: percentage of students involved, creativity, and execution. In addition to class acts, students can try out to perform (dance, singing, instrumental routines) [and/or] help to introduce acts/performances to the red carpet. Tryouts will take place on March 18 - 25 during FLEX in the auditorium. Historically, students involved have “dressed to impress,” students are encouraged to wear “red carpet” attire or whatever they are most comfortable in for it. We want to ensure inclusivity and positivity; this is about the SHS community. |
SEO / Spartan Enrichment Organization
Parent / Guardian Support; Stoneham Parent University / March 26
Stoneham Parent University ● Saturday, March 26th ○ 9 am-12 pm ○ Stoneham Central Middle School Join us for a free workshop featuring knowledge and advice from community experts focusing on student's educational experience and well-being. Courtesy of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Stoneham. ● Parents of children of all ages are encouraged to attend! ● FREE CHILD CARE PROVIDED ON SITE (Ages 3 +/ Must be toilet trained) LEARN MORE: ● stonehamcoalition.org/parent-university ● Questions? Contact: evalett@bgcstoneham.org |