Friday, March 31, 2023
March 26, 2023
Good evening,
We enter the last week of March and the final week of Quarter three with a busy schedule. This final week of the grading quarter, on top of our second week of Spring Sports practices and Spring Musical rehearsals, also includes the Grade 10 ELA MCAS on Tuesday and Wednesday and concludes with our Junior Prom on Friday.
Students should maximize this week's FLEX block opportunities to assist in a successful completion of the Third Quarter. FLEX Block provides valuable opportunities to support student learning, work completion and overall school work management. Students are encouraged to develop consistent routines of scheduling FLEX with their classroom teachers to support their learning process.
Students and households are reminded of the late start of 11:00am on Tuesday and Wednesday (3/28 & 3/29) for grades 11 and 12 only, as we administer the Grade 10 ELA MCAS. Grades 9 and 10 have a regular scheduled school start time of 8:15am. Grade 9 students should report to their regularly scheduled first period, A / E, class and Grade 10 students should report to their posted MCAS testing room. MCAS testing rooms will be posted in the Main Lobby.
Have a great week. Go Spartans!
Bryan Lombardi
Daily Bulletin Student Handbook Program of Studies ● 2023 -2024 Program of Studies Daily Schedule ● Daily Schedule with Lunch Assignments HERE SHS Calendar ● SHS School Year Calendar HERE Parking and Traffic Route Map ● Updated Driving routes / parking Map HERE Social Media Links ● Facebook: ● Instagram: bluespartanshs 2022 - 2023 SHS Club and Student Organizations |
Save the Date
Tuesday - Wednesday, 3/28 - 3/29; Grade 10 ELA MCAS ● Tuesday, 3/28: Late Start for grades 11 & 12; 11:00AM Start time / Normal school hours grades 9 & 10 ● Wednesday, 3/29: Late Start for grades 11 & 12; 11:00AM Start time / Normal school hours grades 9 & 10 Friday, March 31; Last day of Quarter 3 Friday, March 31; Junior Prom, 6:30pm - 10:30pm Monday, April 3; First day Quarter Four |
ELA MCAS March 28 & 29 / Normal school hours grades 9 & 10 / Late start grades 11 & 12
The 2022-2023 Grade 10 ELA MCAS will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 28 and March 29. Grades 9 and 10 students will report to school for normal school hours of 8:15AM. Grade 9 will report to their regularly scheduled classes. Grade 10 students will report to their scheduled testing locations. Testing locations will be posted in the Main Lobby before testing dates and day of. Grades 11 and 12 have a late start and report to school for third period (C / G) at 11:00am. Grade 11 / 12 students with 1st lunch are not required to report, unless they want lunch, until 11:30. Grade 10 students are encouraged and reminded to have a good night sleep and breakfast in the morning. Breakfast, as normal, will be offered in the cafeteria. |
Grade 10 ELA MCAS / Test Preparations
MCAS instructions for students ● ELA MCAS tests will be given on March 28 and 29, 2023 In order to ensure the best possible testing experience: ✅ Please CHARGE YOUR CHROMEBOOK!!!! ✅ Arrive at school on time, check the room lists posted in the front lobby when you arrive, and head straight to your room. TESTING BEGINS PROMPTLY AT 8:15. ✅ Please CHARGE YOUR CHROMEBOOK!!!! ✅ If you have a Learning Strategies class, your Learning Strategies teacher will reach out to you to let you know where you will be testing. ✅ Please CHARGE YOUR CHROMEBOOK!!!! ✅ Get a good night’s sleep and eat breakfast! ✅ Please CHARGE YOUR CHROMEBOOK!!!! (bring your charger just in case…) ✅ Bring a book to read when you finish. You will not be able to use your phone or Chromebook until you have been dismissed from testing. |
Senior Parents / College and Your Mental Health / March 27
NAMI’s Starting the Conversation: College and Your Mental Health ● Monday, March 27, 7:00-8:30 PM ● Panelists include a current college student and a recent college graduate sharing details from their mental health journeys and three college administrators outlining considerations and preparations associated with attending school while living with a mental health condition. ● Topics include mental health friendly signs to look for when applying to college, life skills to master before the first term, family communication plans, working with the disability office, and more. Students, parents/guardians, and school counselors are welcome. In order to respect safe spaces, this webinar will NOT be recorded. ● Additional information and registration at: College & Your Mental Health — namicentralmiddlesex NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of Central Middlesex |
Junior Prom Updates
Junior Prom ● When: Friday March 31, 2023; 6:30pm - 10:30pm ● Where: Spinelli’s Lynnfield Day of Prom School Attendance ● You must attend school on the day of the prom until at least 12:15pm. Please follow school dismissal procedures of providing a dismissal note to the Main Office for any student dismissal. |
Mr. von Sneirdern’s Economics Class / Shark Tank
Students of Mr. von Sneirdern’s Economics Class recently made presentations and pitches to Soneham Bank Executives. The Executives went out of their way to express the strengths of the students' presentations. We thank StonehamBank for their support of our students and involvement with the learning experience. |
Senior Class Fundraiser / Senior Events / April 12
On April 12th, come out and enjoy a delicious meal at Playa Bowl between 5-9 PM while supporting the Class of 2023. All you have to do is mention "Stoneham Senior Class of 2023" at the register and a percentage of your total will benefit the Class of 2023 and its senior events. Enjoy a delicious bowl while helping Stoneham Seniors with the cost of Senior Prom tickets! We look forward to seeing you all there!! Where: Playa Bowls, Winchester When: Wednesday, April, 12 ● 5-9 PM ● Just say’ “Stoneham Senior Class of 2023" What: Support Senior Prom |
Grade 9 Student Health Screenings / April
We will be conducting the following screenings for all grade 9 students during your child’s Flex class the week of April 24 th through April 27, 2023. SBIRT Screening: As your child’s caregiver, we know that you desire the best resources for your child and the young people in our community. The Youth Risk Behavior Survey data demonstrates that a small number of our students try alcohol, marijuana and other drugs and by the end of high school, many more students report substance use. In order to help prevent students from starting to use substances, or intervene with early use, Stoneham Public School counseling and nursing staff will be providing an interview‐based screening for 9th grade students about the use of alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs. This screening utilizes the most commonly used substance use screening tool for adolescents in Massachusetts, the CRAFFT +N. Student screening sessions will be brief (approximately 5 minutes) and conducted confidentially in private, one‐on‐one sessions by the School Guidance Counselor, School Adjustment Counselor, or School Nurse. Students who are not using substances will have their healthy choices reinforced by the screener. The screener will provide brief feedback to any student who reports using substances, or is at risk for future substance use. If needed, the student will be referred to our School Counselors for further evaluation. Results of the screening will not be included in your student’s school record, nor will results be shared with any staff other than the SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral to Treatment) Team. The SBIRT Team is composed of the nursing staff and the school counseling staff. All students will receive some educational material and a resource list at the time of the screening. Please contact Nurse Malzone at by April 20, 2023 if you wish your child to opt out of this screening. Additionally, screening is voluntary and students may choose not to answer any or all of the screening questions. Postural Screening: The purpose of postural screening is to find early signs of possible spinal problems in children in grade 9. It is not a diagnostic service but a program to identify children who should have further evaluation.If your child has any unusual findings, you will be notified and asked to follow up with your child’s physician. The screening will take place in the Health Office by the School Nurse. Female children are asked to bring a halter top to school the day of the screening. This type of clothing permits more accurate observation of the back. Please contact Nurse Malzone at by April 20, 2023 if you wish your child to opt out of this screening. |
New SHS Building Progress Report in Pictures 3/20 - 3/25
New SHS Construction Project ● A week in pictures |
Drivers / Parking Lot: Follow Traffic Patterns / 15 MPH or less driving speed
This is a reminder of the expectation for all drivers to follow the designated traffic routes and patterns, regardless of the time of day or how full or empty the parking lot. Drivers are not to cut through the parking lot crossing over parking spaces. Drivers must follow the designated traffic routes. Cutting through the parking lot only causes confusion to other drivers and pedestrians and creates an unsafe environment. Drivers are also reminded that driving speeds on SHS grounds is 15 MPH or less. Let’s all work together to create an efficient and safe driving and parking lot for our school community |
1. Adding the Powerschool App to your phone allows easy access to your academic schedule and academic progress monitoring. 2. Login a. Students are required to utilize their school issued Powerschool login and password. b. Students need to access Adaptive Scheduler for FLEX registration which can only be accessed through PS and their own assigned account and login information. c. Students are not to use their parent / guardian login / password. |
Free COVID Test Kits
Through a joint DESE / DPH program Stoneham High School has been provided free COVID Test Kits for students, households and faculty. These free test kits are available in the Main Office. |
Spartan Gear
Spartan Gear is available throughout the school year. Show your Spartan Spirit HERE |