Spring Vacation Week: 4/17 - 4/21
April 9, 2023
Good evening,
I hope this message finds you well rested from this weekend and in good spirits for the week ahead. Students enter the second week of the 4th Quarter before having a week off with the following week's April Vacation. The 4th Quarter and Spring are always a fun and busy time within school and the pace can be daunting. Good planning and time management are essential. FLEX block is a useful tool for students to support their learning and management of coursework and other school responsibilities.
As we enter the final quarter of the school year Faculty and Administration also begin to cast an eye forward to the next year and what things we need to emphasize now to students to ensure they are solidly in place for next Fall. Two such areas which will be of certain focus for our students for the remainder of this year for a strong carryover for next will be on cellphones during class time and school attendance with specific attention to lateness to school and morning tardiness. We ask that students continue to do their part and to keep cellphones off and away during class time. We also ask that students and households review and initiate morning routines that support a timely school drop off that allows the student to be in their class at the school start time of 8:15am.
I also remind all drivers to please be respectful, mindful and to please adhere to the posted parking lot traffic and drop off routes and areas. These routes and defined areas have been designed for maximum safety and efficiency. Safety and efficiency breakdown when these routes are not followed. We do not have the staffing or resources to be outside every morning and afternoon to enforce these traffic routes. This is a community effort. Please do your part for parking lot safety and efficiency by following the traffic patterns and drop off / pick up location. Be part of the solution, not the problem.
Thank you for your support and assistance with this matter.
Have a good week! Go Spartans!
Bryan Lombardi
Daily Bulletin · 4/7/2023 · 4/6/2023 · 4/5/2023 · 4/4/2023 · 4/3/2023 Student Handbook Program of Studies · 2023 -2024 Program of Studies Daily Schedule · Daily Schedule with Lunch Assignments HERE SHS Calendar · SHS School Year Calendar HERE Parking and Traffic Route Map · Updated Driving routes / parking Map HERE Social Media Links · Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shs.principal.184 · Instagram: bluespartanshs 2022 - 2023 SHS Club and Student Organizations |
Save the Date
Monday, April 17 - April 21; School Closed / April Vacation |
Stoneham High School Week of Awareness / Day of Silence / April 10 - 14
This week the SHS Gender Sexuality Alliance will lead the school in celebrating a Week of Awareness, calling attention to issues within the LGBTQ+ community culminating with the Day of (No) Silence on Friday, 4/14. The Day of (No) Silence is a national student-led demonstration where LGBTQ students and allies worldwide take a vow of silence to protest the harmful effects of harassment and discrimination against LGBTQ+ people in schools. Started in the mid-’90s by two college students, the Day of Silence has expanded to reach hundreds of thousands of students each year. Every April, students go through the school day without speaking, ending the day with Breaking the Silence rallies and events to share their experiences during the protest and bring attention to ways their schools and communities can become more inclusive. To celebrate the week leading up to the event, GSA students will run a Bake Sale after school on Monday, a Film viewing during Flex on Tuesday, LGBTQ Trivia during Flex on Wednesday, and Pride Jewelry Making during Flex on Thursday. Please join us in making the school a more inclusive space for all students. |
Summer Job Fair
The Boys & Girls Clubs is hosting the annual Summer Job Fair · Where: Stoneham Boys & Girls Club · When: Wednesday April 12th at the 6:30-7:30pm. · What: Job Fair o The event is welcome to all teens 15 +. o The job fair is a chance to meet local employers and club staff, interview, and get hired. o Meet employers like Melrose YMCA, StonehamBank, Stop & Shop, Winchester Hospital, Friends of the Fells, the Quannapowitt Yacht Club, the Boys & Girls Clubs & MORE! We hope to see you there! |
Attention Junior Students and households / College Search Process / College Admissions Counselor
On Thursday April 13th at 6:30 PM in the cafeteria, the school counseling staff is hosting a fun and informative evening for current juniors and their parents. An Admissions Counselor from UMass Lowell will discuss the college admissions process, from the viewpoint of the person reading applications. In addition, a panel of current seniors will speak about their experiences, what helped them most and what they wish they had done differently. This event is always a favorite! Please join us. |
Building Security / School Doors / Entrance and Exit
A reminder that all school external doors are locked and secure for the duration of the school day, 8:15am - 2:50pm. Exit and entrance during the school day is only through the Main Lobby Entrance. All school visitors must enter and exit through the Main Entrance Doors. Students found entering or exiting any exterior school door other than the Main Entrance during school day hours will receive disciplinary action. A secure physical space is an essential component for school safety and security. We all play a role in school safety and compliance of this policy is essential. We thank you for your support. |
School arrival / School Start Time / 8:15am
Strong daily attendance is a strong support for learning and academic success. Included in this is the importance of being on time. Tardiness to class disrupts the learning process that has already begun from the start of class. This disruption impacts both the tardy student but also other classmates. The issue of tardiness has become an increasingly growing issue particularly with the start of school and first period of 8:15am. As we enter the 4th Quarter we will be making concerted efforts to decrease school tardiness. We ask all students and households to review and adjust morning routines to support arrival at Stoneham High School at a time that allows them to be in 1st period class for 8:15am |
SPARC Club, Stoneham Peers Achieving Real Connections, is looking for new members to serve as ambassadors of the high school who will act as mentors, facilitators, and more than anything else, friendly faces and a support network for students new to Stoneham High School. · SPARC Ambassadors will be expected to attend training sessions this spring, participate in 8th Grade Step Up Day (Monday, June 5th), Freshman Orientation (in August), and stay connected with the incoming freshman class in order to help them with their transition to high school. · All current freshmen, sophomores and juniors are welcome to apply. Applications are due 4/6. · Please see Ms. Polizzi in the Guidance Department for application information. |
Senior Class Fundraiser / Senior Events / April 12
On April 12th, come out and enjoy a delicious meal at Playa Bowl between 5-9 PM while supporting the Class of 2023. All you have to do is mention "Stoneham Senior Class of 2023" at the register and a percentage of your total will benefit the Class of 2023 and its senior events. Enjoy a delicious bowl while helping Stoneham Seniors with the cost of Senior Prom tickets! We look forward to seeing you all there!! Where: Playa Bowls, Winchester When: Wednesday, April, 12 · 5-9 PM · Just say’ “Stoneham Senior Class of 2023" What: Support Senior Prom |
Grade 9 Student Health Screenings / April
We will be conducting the following screenings for all grade 9 students during your child’s Flex class the week of April 24 th through April 27, 2023. SBIRT Screening: As your child’s caregiver, we know that you desire the best resources for your child and the young people in our community. The Youth Risk Behavior Survey data demonstrates that a small number of our students try alcohol, marijuana and other drugs and by the end of high school, many more students report substance use. In order to help prevent students from starting to use substances, or intervene with early use, Stoneham Public School counseling and nursing staff will be providing an interview‐based screening for 9th grade students about the use of alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs. This screening utilizes the most commonly used substance use screening tool for adolescents in Massachusetts, the CRAFFT +N. Student screening sessions will be brief (approximately 5 minutes) and conducted confidentially in private, one‐on‐one sessions by the School Guidance Counselor, School Adjustment Counselor, or School Nurse. Students who are not using substances will have their healthy choices reinforced by the screener. The screener will provide brief feedback to any student who reports using substances, or is at risk for future substance use. If needed, the student will be referred to our School Counselors for further evaluation. Results of the screening will not be included in your student’s school record, nor will results be shared with any staff other than the SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral to Treatment) Team. The SBIRT Team is composed of the nursing staff and the school counseling staff. All students will receive some educational material and a resource list at the time of the screening. Please contact Nurse Malzone at SMalzone@stonehamschools.org by April 20, 2023 if you wish your child to opt out of this screening. Additionally, screening is voluntary and students may choose not to answer any or all of the screening questions. Postural Screening: The purpose of postural screening is to find early signs of possible spinal problems in children in grade 9. It is not a diagnostic service but a program to identify children who should have further evaluation.If your child has any unusual findings, you will be notified and asked to follow up with your child’s physician. The screening will take place in the Health Office by the School Nurse. Female children are asked to bring a halter top to school the day of the screening. This type of clothing permits more accurate observation of the back. Please contact Nurse Malzone at SMalzone@stonehamschools.org by April 20, 2023 if you wish your child to opt out of this screening. |
Parent Resources /Community Behavioral Health Centers
New SHS Building Progress Report in Pictures 4/3 - 4/8
New SHS Construction Project · A week in pictures |
Volunteers Needed / Stoneham Spring Cleanup & Earth Day Celebration!
Dear Friends and Neighbors, We need volunteers to help out with the Stoneham Spring Cleanup & Earth Day Celebration! In addition to cleanup volunteers, we need help in the morning at the event check-in from 8:45-9:30AM. This includes checking in cleanup participants, distributing supplies, serving coffee and donuts, and helping coordinate the group photo. We also need additional volunteers to help at the Earth Day Celebration from 11:45-1:45 distributing pizza and helping with kids' crafts and games. This volunteer opportunity is appropriate for high school students and a great way to earn community service hours. Sign up at the link below. Email keepstonehambeautiful@stonehamcdc.org with any questions. |
Stoneham Spring Cleanup & Earth Day Celebration
Stoneham Spring Cleanup & Earth Day Celebration Saturday, April 22, 2023 10AM-2PM Meet at the Town Common The Stoneham Spring Cleanup and Earth Day Celebration will take place on Saturday, April 22, 2023 on the Stoneham Town Common. We’ll start the day with a town-wide litter cleanup from 10-12pm and then we’ll gather on the Stoneham Town Common for a community picnic, including complimentary pizza, Kona Ice, and kids’ activities for participants. This is a family-friendly event and great volunteer opportunity for scout troops, sports teams, high school students, school PTOs, and corporate volunteer groups! Volunteers are also needed to help in the morning with check-in and distributing supplies as well as during the Earth Day Celebration. Click here for more details. Groups and individuals can also register in advance (link below) for their preferred cleanup area or get an assignment on cleanup day! Please bring your own gloves if you have them! A big thank you to our sponsors, Stop and Shop, Salem Five Charitable Foundation and StonehamBank. Click the Sponsor link below to find out how you can support our work! Email keepstonehambeautiful@stonehamcdc.org with any questions. |
Drivers / Parking Lot: Follow Traffic Patterns / 15 MPH or less driving speed
This is a reminder of the expectation for all drivers to follow the designated traffic routes and patterns, regardless of the time of day or how full or empty the parking lot. Drivers are not to cut through the parking lot crossing over parking spaces. Drivers must follow the designated traffic routes. Cutting through the parking lot only causes confusion to other drivers and pedestrians and creates an unsafe environment. Drivers are also reminded that driving speeds on SHS grounds is 15 MPH or less. Let’s all work together to create an efficient and safe driving and parking lot for our school community |
1. Adding the Powerschool App to your phone allows easy access to your academic schedule and academic progress monitoring. 2. Login a. Students are required to utilize their school issued Powerschool login and password. b. Students need to access Adaptive Scheduler for FLEX registration which can only be accessed through PS and their own assigned account and login information. c. Students are not to use their parent / guardian login / password. |
Free COVID Test Kits
Through a joint DESE / DPH program Stoneham High School has been provided free COVID Test Kits for students, households and faculty. These free test kits are available in the Main Office. |
Spartan Gear
Spartan Gear is available throughout the school year. Show your Spartan Spirit HERE |
Bryan Lombardi
Stoneham High School
O: (781) 279 - 3810
F: (781) 279 - 2070
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