Picture Day - 10/13/23 (Students will be called down)
October 9, 2023
Good evening,
I hope everyone has had a wonderful three-day weekend that included some Fall fun as well as some time to rest and recharge. I think we all benefit from three-day weekends.
There is much information and announcements below including a recent recognition from the College Board for the percentage of SHS students taking AP tests and student performance. We applaud our students for their efforts and commitment to their learning. There are many advanced and AP level courses at SHS. We encourage students to seek out advanced learning opportunities driven by their interest in the content as well as a desire for an increase in rigor and academic challenge.
Exciting week ahead with introduction of enrichment opportunities for students during FLEX block. This will complete our final phase of FLEX roll out. Our expectation is that students consistently utilize FLEX block opportunities to successfully manage and support their academic classes and other school interests and activities.
Lastly, especially with cooler weather forecast this week, Fall-like weather ahead and Winter after that, a reminder that our main and only Student Drop Off and Pick Up is the designated lower parking lot. The upper parking lot is only for drop off and pick up from buses and those students requiring close access due to a physical need. The driving experience is safest and most efficient if all drivers consistently and strictly adhere to our posted parking routes and expectations. We appreciate your assistance in this aspect of our school community.
Here’s to a positive week!…Go Spartans!
Mr. Lombardi
Daily Bulletin Student Handbook Program of Studies ● 2023 -2024 Program of Studies Daily Schedule ● Daily Schedule with Lunch Assignments HERE SHS Calendar ● SHS School Year Calendar HERE District Calendar ● SPS 2023 - 2024 Calendar HERE Parking and Traffic Route Map ● Driving routes / parking Map HERE Social Media Links ● Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shs.principal.184 ● Instagram: bluespartanshs ● Current Club / Organizations HERE 2023 - 2024 SHS Club and Student Organizations ● TBD |
Save the date
● October 13: Picture Day ● October 14; PSAT’s @ SHS ● November 1: End of 1st Quarter ● November 4: Start of 2nd Quarter ● November 10: No School / Veterans Day ● November 21: Picture Retake Day |
Stoneham High School Named to Advanced Placement School Honor Roll
Stoneham High School is being recognized for an increase in students enrolling in AP courses and the AP program earning Honor Roll status with Bronze level distinction. We continue to encourage students to seek out rigorous academic opportunities and to stretch and challenge their skills and abilities….this is where learning and growth occur. Here is the College Board press release. Stoneham, MA: The College Board announced that Stoneham High School has been named to the Advanced Placement® Program (AP®) School Honor Roll, earning the BRONZE distinction. The AP® School Honor Roll recognizes schools whose AP programs are delivering results for students while broadening access. Schools can earn this recognition annually based on criteria that reflect a commitment to increasing college-going culture, providing opportunities for students to earn college credit, and maximizing college readiness. Stoneham High School had 32% of seniors who took at least one AP exam during high school, 54% of seniors who scored a three or higher on at least one AP exam, 48% of seniors who received AP Scholar recognition, and 7% of seniors who took five or more AP exams! “On behalf of Stoneham High School and Stoneham Public Schools I thank our teachers for their consistent work and dedication to providing a rigorous, supportive and encouraging learning environment for our students. I commend our students for continuing to seek out advanced learning opportunities and to see rigor and academic challenge as an essential part of the learning process.” Bryan Lombardi, Principal College Board’s Advanced Placement® Program (AP®) enables students to pursue college-level studies—with the opportunity to earn college credit, advanced placement, or both—while still in high school. Through AP courses in 38 subjects, each culminating in a challenging exam, students learn to think critically, construct solid arguments, and see many sides of an issue—skills that prepare them for college and beyond. |
FLEX Enrichments begin this week!!
The wait is over... next week we will begin Enrichments during Flex Block! Students will be able to enroll in an Enrichment of their choice. The portal to sign up opened on Thursday, 10/12 and will be through this evening. ● Here are the enrichments being offered. ○ As there is no school on Monday, students will have to wait one more week for those listed as meeting on Monday. |
Spanish IV Field Trip
Ms. Cronin and students of her Spanish IV class are all smiles after lunch at local restaurant, La Qchara. Students enjoyed delicious latino food while honing their language skills conversing in Spanish. |
Students / All grades / Voices of Democracy Essay Contest
Enter to win a scholarship through the Voices of Democracy essay contest. ● This year's theme is: What are the greatest attributes of our democracy? ● The national first place winner receives a $35,000 scholarship and there are state and local winners as well. See the attached flyer HERE for more information ● Submit your application, audio recording, and written essay by 10/23/23 to either your history teacher or Mrs. Henderson. |
2023 - 2024 MCAS Testing Dates Information MCAS Retests ● Grade 11 / 12 students who require a retest for a Biology, ELA and / or Math MCAS will have opportunities on the following dates: ○ November ■ ELA: 11/08 & 11/09 ■ Math: 11/14 & 11/15 ○ February ■ Biology: 2/6 & 2/7 ○ March ■ ELA: 3/4 & 3/6 ■ Math: 3/7 & 3/8 ○ June ■ Biology: 6/4 & 6/5 MCAS ● Grade 10 students will take the Biology, ELA and Math MCAS on the following dates: ○ Testing schedule ■ ELA: March 26 & 27 ■ Math: May 21 & 22 ■ Biology: June 4 & 5 |
Advanced Placement Tests / Students and Parents
Attention all students who are enrolled in an Advanced Placement (AP) level course this 2023 - 2024 school year. The May AP Tests for all AP courses are required for those students enrolled in an AP course. Please see below for important information and dates regarding AP exams including decision dates, registration details and fees. Also included is a FAQ for parents / caregivers. ● AP Test Info HERE ● ● Parent / Caregiver FAQs HERE |
SHS Athletics Ticket Purchase Process / Digital
Hey Spartan Fans! A reminder that the Stoneham Athletic Department will be using GoFan for digital ticketing for ALL Football, Hockey and Basketball Games. ● This ticketing policy allows Stoneham Athletic Department to operate a more efficient and professional ticket gate while elevating the fan experience. ● Buying tickets online allows fans to access and share tickets easily by email or text without standing in line. ● Buying In person at Event: ○ Signage will be visible at the venue to help fans navigate an online purchase on the GoFan page. Fans can purchase tickets online through the Stoneham High School GoFan page or by presenting a card or mobile payment option at the ticket gate. ● All major credit cards are accepted, along with Apple Pay and Google Pay. ● To purchase event tickets, please visit our GoFan page. |
Stoneham High Publicity Permission form
At times Stoneham High School and Stoneham Public Schools will share photographs through various forms of school communication and social media of school sponsored activities and events. These photographs containing images of students will include learning opportunities within classrooms or field trips, extra curricular and athletic events, activities and / or competitions and general images representing school culture, climate and student work. If you do not want your SHS / SPS to post / distribute a picture which contains an image of your student/s please complete the following form and submit it to the High School Main Office. |
SEO / Spartan Enrichment Organization Monthly Meeting
Spartan Enrichment Meeting ● Wednesday, October 11, 2023 at 6:30pm via Zoom Please join the Spartan Enrichment Organization (SEO) on Wednesday, October 11th at 6:30pm via Zoom! ● Come learn more about how SEO supports the SHS community and how you can help. ● At this month’s meeting, Principal Lombardi will share a brief SHS update and answer questions you may have. Zoom Meeting Link: https://suffolk.zoom.us/j/91212592591 SEO meets 4-5 times a year and as needed between meetings. We could use help drafting the SEO Newsletter, sharing information on social media, and with fundraising. We currently have 2 board openings. Please email us if interested As always, feel free to email the SEO with any questions or concerns at spartanenrichmentorg@gmail.com! |
Attention Juniors; 2024 College Fair
Juniors, mark your calendar for the annual Cooperative College Fair at Reading Memorial High School. It’s a great way to explore opportunities and possibilities for post secondary planning. ● March 13, 2024 6:30-8:30 Cooperative College Fair @ Reading Memorial High School |
Students Picture Day Information / Picture Day October 13
Go to: Shop.Legacystudios.com CODE: 3612F24 Build your package Customize your order https://shop.imagequix.com/g1001054654 |
New Weekly SHS Building Progress Report
Great new pictures…our new school is really taking shape! Very exciting |
SHS Driving and Student Parking
Here is a MAP of our Parking Lot and Traffic Routes as well as the posted signs you will see. Key points of the Map and parking and traffic plan. ● Drop off and Pick up traffic travels the perimeter of the middle parking spaces to the designated lower lot Drop Off / Pick Up Areas. ○ Three walkways connect the Drop Off / Pick Up Area to the High School ● No Drop Off / Pick Up is permitted in the Upper Lot unless due to physical need ● Middle traffic aisle is for middle row parking only ○ Drop Off / Pick Up Traffic should not drive up the middle parking aisle In addition to these posted travel routes and signage, the primary message for all student drivers and parent / caregiver drivers is to be aware, cautious and patient when driving on school grounds and to follow the posted signs for travel, parking and student pick / up drop off. Travel speed should be no more than 10 miles per hour. If you find yourself cutting across the parking lot, driving over 1o MPH or not following the posted routes then YOU, are “THAT PERSON,” who is being selfish and inconsiderate to the safety of others. Safety, whether school based or in the parking lot, requires all of us; how we drive on campus, in a tight and congested space, is part of establishing a safe environment. Please do your part! We thank you for your support and attention to this matter. We have distributed all parking passes for those students who completed the 1st round of Parking Application process. Parking Applications for the 2nd Round started on Tuesday, September, 5 and will remain open until remaining parking spaces are assigned. |
Stoneham Public School Lunch Program
Just a few reminders from Lunch Program: ● All students will be getting FREE Breakfast & Lunch again this year (and hopefully forever). ○ Breakfast can be served in the morning, as a snack (if a student forgets one), or take home to eat the next morning. ○ We would love to see more students participating in Breakfast ● Any free/reduced family must fill out a NEW application every year ○ This will need to be done by October 16th ■ Or they will revert back to paid ● Although everyone is free, a new application is needed to receive other state benefits. ■ How to apply HERE ■ Applications HERE |
Stoneham Public Schools Yearly Chromebook User Agreement and Protection Plan Information
Dear Parents/Guardians, We hope this email finds you well. As we prepare for the upcoming school year, we want to ensure that all students have access to the necessary tools for a successful learning experience. In light of this, we are excited to provide Chromebooks to our students to facilitate their education both in the classroom and at home. To ensure the responsible and effective use of these devices, we have developed a Chromebook User Agreement and optional Protection Plan. This agreement outlines the guidelines for using the Chromebooks and the steps we are taking to protect these devices. We kindly ask that you review and complete this agreement and discuss its contents with your student: ● **Chromebook User Agreement Highlights** ○ Responsible and ethical use of the device for educational purposes. ○ Handling and care guidelines to maintain the functionality and appearance of the Chromebook. ○ Adherence to the school's responsible use policy and digital citizenship guidelines. ○ Awareness of online safety, cybersecurity, and protecting personal information. ● **Protection Plan Benefits** ○ We understand that accidents can happen, and that's why we are offering an optional Protection Plan for the Chromebooks. ○ If the yearly Chromebook protection plan is purchased, the student is covered for damages to their Chromebook and charger. ● **Next Steps** ○ Review and complete the required 23-24 SPS Chromebook Agreement. The form can be accessed HERE ○ Discuss the agreement with your student to ensure a clear understanding of the responsibilities and expectations. ○ Consider enrolling in the optional Protection Plan to safeguard your student's device throughout the school year. ■ Enrolling in the Protection Plan is easy. ● Simply visit UniPay and follow the instructions to sign up. ○ The plan costs $20 per year per student and provides valuable peace of mind. Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to a successful and productive school year together. |
Class of 2024: New Graduation Date
The date for the Class of 2024 Graduation Commencement has been moved back from Friday, June 7 to Friday, May 31. This change in date reflects a review of the School Calendar and the realization that the late Graduation date of June 7 resulted in end of school year, 6/12, conflicts with a variety of Grade 9 - 11 educational activities from Biology MCAS and Final Exams to Award Nights and 8th Grade Step Up Day. The current calendar also had Seniors in school more school days than required. The new dates remove any conflicts and have an end of school date with required school days as previous graduating classes. New Senior Dates: ● Seniors last day of classes: Monday, 5/20 ● Senior Final Exams: Tuesday, 5/21 - Friday, 5/24 ● Senior Prom: Tuesday, 5/28 ● Senior Family Picnic: Thursday, 5/30 ● Graduation: Friday, 5/31 Academic Awards and Scholarships: TBD |